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U.S. presidential election: A game of

【漫话天下丨政事营销 A political marketing】
Each presidential election sees the Republican and Democratic nominees busy touting their campaign promises, most of which center on economic issues like tax cuts and job creation. In their bid to win votes, they often make enticing proposals, turning the election process into a mass marketing campaign. Only those who present themselves most appealingly will capture the voters' attention.

【漫话天下丨口惠而实不至Empty promises】
Talk is cheap. The generous promises made so recklessly are often difficult to keep. A look back at over 200 years of U.S. presidential elections shows that making grand promises to voters has become a tradition. These promises开云官网切尔西赞助商, lacking in specifics, appeal to voters' emotions and help secure votes. In short, emotional appeal often outweighs the practicality of the proposals. Keeping the focus on emotional appeal rather than the practicality of the proposals has turned the U.S. presidential elections into a game of "pie in the sky." This essentially reflects "campaign economics," where voters' sentiments are prioritized over real economic issues. Unfortunately, the voters end up paying the price, becoming the victims of this political game.